Sunday, July 04, 2004

Idiotic rules

I thought there was more to this month's new rules than this:
The National Police Agency yesterday said that police officers who take pictures of traffic violators from unauthorized locations will be disciplined.

The new regulation, which became effective on July 1, allows police officers to take pictures of traffic violators from any point within the "road area," including bridges, pedestrian overpasses and road shoulders. Alleged traffic violators can appeal if they believe that the pictures of them were taken improperly.
Pity the police. When they try to enforce traffic regulations, they have to deal with crap like this.
In related news, the [National Police Agency] has issued the results of a crackdown against traffic violators on the first day of the implementation of stricter traffic rules.

According to the figures, 10,951 motorists, motorcyclists and scooter drivers were pulled over for violating traffic laws. Of these, 4,984 motorcyclists and scooter drivers were fined because they did not follow the "two-stage left turn" rule.

For motorcyclists and scooter drivers to complete a left turn, they must cross an intersection twice -- a process that requires them to wait for two signal changes.
I have seen that two-stage turning, but I'd estimate at least half of the riders illegally cut across the crosswalks. Then there are those that drive on the wrong side of the street (at least that keeps them of the sidewalks).


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